Displaying 1 - 30 of 232 in total
Jesus Star on Hollywood
The Jive-Ass trio ponder what Jesus would do in the time of labor, but I also make time to talk about real issues, like the stars on the Hollywood walk of fame.
Raider of the Last Joann
Here today, gone tomorrow. The latest victim of retail death, Joann's Fabrics, gets a farewell from Beth, with input from Marc and the Jive-Ass Alien.
3.14 Simpsons References pt. 2 of 2
We wrap up our latest season with, what else, more Simpsons.https://www.cracked.com/article_45438_14-notable-pie-throwing-incidents-that-were-varying-degrees-of-hilari...
3.14 Simpsons References pt. 1 of 2
As we start to wrap up our latest season, Beth, Marc, and I talk about some odds and ends and talk a bit about Simpsons. Surprisingly, we haven't brought them up as mu...
Echo echo echo of The Predator!
3 Jive-Ass people attempt to avoid becoming victims to a determined predator; do they stand a chance?https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/patrickmitchell/echo-of-the-p...
Gamers R Us
Beth, Marc, and I chat about games that we're currently trying out, as well as what we both like and loathe about gaming.
Jive-Ass Ways to Die
Jive-Ass Alien, Beth, and Marc get together to try to keep their beans alive Dumb Ways to Die. This is a nice, swift game that can kill some time. So who amongst us is...
Jive-Ass Hollywood
The unholy trinity get together to talk about some of the TV and movies that we're watching and shape us, even for the slightest bit. Also, some that influenced this s...
Ranked Simpsons Episodes Debate pt. 2 of 2
We finish our Simpsons conversation. Are there any of these that we agree with it?https://m.imdb.com/title/tt0096697/episodes/?topRated=DESC
Ranked Simpsons Episodes Debate pt. 1 of 2
In what will surely be a civil, lighthearted discussion of this list of best Simpsons episodes from IMDB, Beth, Marc, and the Jive-Ass Alien get together and reminisce...
2024 Wrapped and Plans for Jive-Ass Beyond pt. 2 of 2
We continue saying goodbye to the year 2024 and anticipating the good fortune that 2025 will bring to the Jive-Ass Alien.
2024 Wrapped and Plans for Jive-Ass Beyond pt. 1 of 2
Omorashi omorashi,Omorashi omorashi,Omorashi Omorashi...Oh Oh... Omorashi... omorashi omorashi
Detour de Sacré Bleu! (2/2)
We wrap up this talk, and year, with the strategies used by the Tour de France competitors to get the edge.
Detour de Sacré Bleu! (1/2)
Cosmo God knows I like me some human insanity, and history is rife with examples. The Tour de France likes to present itself as some prestigious competition, steroids ...
Chicken Redbox for the Soul 2/2
We finish out talk on the human obsession that is Redbox.https://kotaku.com/redbox-machines-kiosks-free-movies-dvds-stealing-reddit-1851694915
Chicken Redbox for the Soul 1/2
Humans are much into collecting and hoarding (something that this Jive-Ass Alien is guilty of), but some seem too unusual to understand. For that, Beth and Marc try to...
Jive-Ass POGliens pt. 2/2
Marc and I wrap up our talk on all things modern, like POGs or iPods.
Jive-Ass POGliens pt. 1/2
https://www.fastcompany.com/91228022/pogs-are-back-90s-crazeBeth is feeling a bit down, so Marc and this Jive-Ass Alien take a stroll down memory lane, to our youths w...
Marccinism Murdle Mystery
So far this Jive-Ass Alien has helped Beth and Marc solve a few murders correctly, can they continue the streak?
War is Donuts and Rome Plow
We take a look at some of the unsung military heroes (just in time for Veteran's Day!) from Vietnam, the Army Engineers. Along with some present personal shenanigans B...
Secret Gerbil Show
Apparently even Jive-Ass aliens experience midlife crisis. Doing the ultimate cliche of getting a Harley? Say it ain't so!
Choose Your Danger House!
Happy Halloween 2024!Forgot to release on the scheduled date but makes it closer to the 31st, so that's my excuse. We return to choosing adventures, so let's see if Be...
Steam-Powered Bidet
This episode has it all; colonics, Lego, NUKEs, and history from round here. Dam!
California, the Charcoal State
We air out some of our grievances about what friends and families do that piss us off. Not really specific to California, where we live, but the state sure makes it di...
Discussin Car Tech w/ Davis pt. 3/3
The Jive-Ass Alien with Marc finishes up our car episode. Are these the dumbest of the dumb?https://jalopnik.com/this-is-the-useless-car-tech-could-you-happily-live-wi...
Driving Doofus and Other Tales
The 3 neighborinoes get together to share some of our personal tales of driving faux-pas. We also give Toyota much free unpaid praise, and a sneak preview for next Mur...
Discussin Car Tech w/ Davis pt. 2/3
Me and Marc continue our talk. What else do modern cars have that's not as useful or desired, according to us?https://jalopnik.com/this-is-the-useless-car-tech-could-y...
Discussin Car Tech w/ Davis pt. 1/3
https://jalopnik.com/this-is-the-useless-car-tech-could-you-happily-live-wit-1851625603Special episode with just the Jive-Ass Alien joined by the madman mechanic Marc ...
Avatar Business
As we talk a little about companies, we really get into how Avatar: The Last Airbender wraps up it's storyline.
Businesses As Usual
We free three talk about some company shenanigans that big businesses have been up to. Sometimes you really have to pause and think about what you're buying and from w...